Tuesday, August 14, 2007


An apology, i published the wrong photo of our win over Pacific (a few posts below), this is the correct one...

Back row – John Avery

Middle row – Chris Skinner (Capt), Tyrone Graham, Ruby Quince, Robin Astley

Front row – Alex LeMay, Jason Lord, David Miller

(Thanks to Jason Lord)


semiferalerol said...

weird thing is that we kinda do all look like our characters. especially ty & me... an alex. and robin. fuck, it really is all of us. jim henderson must have looked into the future and modelled and muppets on us

Unknown said...

I laughed so much when I saw this, people at work were asking me what was wrong. Coffee came out of my nose. Me normally being a dour, hardworking kind of chap. Ahem.


Chris said...

it's uncanny. LeMay and Birdcage especially!