Monday, March 19, 2007


The VPCCL 2007 AGM took place last week, it took nearly 4 hours and almost nothing changed, but it was a learning experience. For example; we now know that Will can repair a mail server after 8 pints of Guinness.

None-the-less, we are delighted to be part of it all and fixtures for the summer will be announced soon. Yay!


Unknown said...

You say "almost nothing happened" but a glance at the latest rules suggests something was going on while the Guinness was being absorbed - "Amends Rules 1 (league structure), 9 (clothing), 15 (Cup players), 16 (notification of results), adds new Rules 21 (disputes), 22 (tied cup games), 23 (declarations), 24 (child protection)." All the gory details are in the minutes. Cheers!

Chris said...

Good point Tim.

In future I will ban club members from drinking at meetings. They're nothing but big bloody children.